


Feature #11509

Updated by Carsten Rose over 3 years ago

Problem: /scratch/share/system/probleme-my-pdf-image/2020.11.12-Worksheet8.pdf 

 Es wird versucht das PDF in einzelne JPGs zu splitten. Das geht schief, `convert` bricht mit einem Fehler ab. 

 $ convert -density 150 -quality 90 ../2020.11.12-Worksheet8.pdf split.jpg 
 Error: Ignoring invalid annotation, output may be incorrect. 
 + ./base/gdevp14.c:1860: pdf14_put_image(): PDF14 device push/pop out of sync 
 Error: /unknownerror in /--pdfshowpage_finish-- 
 Operand stack: 

 Execution stack: 
    %interp_exit     .runexec2     --nostringval--     pdfshowpage_finish     --nostringval--     2     %stopped_push     --nostringval--     pdfshowpage_finish     pdfshowpage_finish     false     1     %stopped_push     2045     1     3     %oparray_pop     2044     1     3     %oparray_pop     2025     1     3     %oparray_pop     2026     1     3     %oparray_pop     pdfshowpage_finish     pdfshowpage_finish     2     1     6     pdfshowpage_finish     %for_pos_int_continue     2029     1     7     %oparray_pop     pdfshowpage_finish     pdfshowpage_finish 
 Dictionary stack: 
    --dict:963/1684(ro)(G)--     --dict:1/20(G)--     --dict:82/200(L)--     --dict:82/200(L)--     --dict:133/256(ro)(G)--     --dict:311/450(ro)(G)--     --dict:32/32(L)--     --dict:6/9(L)--     --dict:8/20(L)-- 
 Current allocation mode is local 
 Last OS error: No such file or directory 
 GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 
 convert: no images defined `split.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3210. 
