


Feature #10793

Updated by Marc Egger almost 3 years ago

NPM found a few vulnerabilities in our packages which can be solved by updating. 

 *BRANCH* : S10793updateNpmPackages 

 See comments for current state of this ticket. 

 - x make new branch from develop 
 - x update the packages with the commands listed below 
 - x run npm audit again, resolve manual review problems 
 - Test tinyMCE 
 - (test TableSorter) not neccessary since not updated? 
 - run grunt, solve problems if there are any 

 Updates advised in report when running `npm audit` 

 npm install mocha@8.3.2  
 npm install bootlint@1.1.0  
 npm install grunt-contrib-jasmine@2.2.0 
 npm install tinymce@5.7.1 
 npm update lodash --depth 4 
 npm update minimist --depth 5 
 npm update jshint --depth 2 
 npm update mkdirp --depth 3 
 npm update minimist --depth 5  
