


20230614 LSZGS » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Carsten Rose, 14.06.2023 17:11) → Revision 16/18 (Carsten Rose, 15.06.2023 08:38)



 h1. LSZGS / join: OS Update U18>U22, T3 V9>V11, PHP 7.2>8.1, MariaDB 10.1>10.6 

 | Backup / Datenaustausch | @[tl] /scratch/tmp/30/join/@ OS:join.system.tgz, DB:*.sql, html, dev | 
 | Lokaler Dump | @[join] /var/tmp/dev@ | 
 | Installtool | | 
 | MariaDB | Update 10.1 > 10.6 - all columns need a default value if INSERT does not specify the column | 

 * The use of dump files doesn't include sql functions. Exporting them with phpMyAdmin from source to target is currently the best solution. In most cases not necessary because upgrade happens on an existing instance with given databases. 
 * Sometimes T3 Cache could make problems while upgrading. Deleting the typo3temp folder helps. 
 * Using relative paths in typo3 template editor could make problems in v11. It helps to change them to absolute paths. Good example for these situations are the use of 'cd.stylesheet =' options. 

 h2. VMWare Konsole 

 * Check das CR sich einloggen kann: 

   * Wird der IE genommen, funktioniert der Aufruf der vsphere Seite nciht. 
   * Edge hat mehrere Minuten gebraucht um zu starten. 
   * Firefox konnte sich anmelden, dann hat CR aber abgebrochen weil mittlerweile Edge gestartet ist. 

 * Edge hat die Konsole gut dargestellt. 

 h2. Preparation on production 

 # Check das der neueste Kernel aktiv ist, falls nicht reboot 
 $ uname -a 
 $ dpkg --list | grep linux 

 # Alle alten Kernel entfernen! Das ist wichtig damit der do-release-upgrade Process nicht unnoetig alte Kernel Module aktualisiert. 
 $ CURRENT=`uname -a | cut -f 3 -d ' '` 
 $ ALL=`dpkg --list | grep -e linux-modules -e linux-image | grep -v $CURRENT | awk '{ print $2 }'` 
 $ for II in $ALL; do apt purge -y $II; done 

 # Backup Dir anlegen: 
 [user@tlX] mkdir /scratch/tmp/30/join 
 # Latest T3 nach Production kopieren 
 [user@tlX] scp /scratch/software/typo3/typo3_src-11.5.25.tgz 

 # T3 schonmal auspacken 
 [root@join] cd /var/html; tar zxf typo3_src-11.5.25.tgz 

 # ** Am Tag vor der Migration ** 
 # Backup anlegen. Zuerst auf TL: `mkdir /scratch/tmp/30/join` 
 $ cd / 
 $ tar --exclude=var/local/prod --exclude=var/www/html -czvf /tmp/join.system.tgz bin boot etc home initrd.img lib lib64 opt root sbin snap srv swap.img usr var vmlinuz 
 $ scp /tmp/join.tgz 
 $ rsync -av /var/www/html 

 # ** Am Tag der Migration ** 

 # Apache anhalten 
 $ service apache2 stop 

 # Alle Cronjobs anhalten: 
 $ crontab -e 
 $ crontab -e -u www-data 

 # DBs - einmal lokal ablegen und dann nochmal remote sichern 
 $ mkdir /var/tmp/prod; cd /var/tmp/prod 
 $ rm *.sql 

 $ ALL="askascientist_preview_db askascientist_preview_t3 askascientist_prod_db askascientist_prod_t3 lszgs_preview_db lszgs_preview_t3 lszgs_prod_db lszgs_prod_t3 lszgs_prod_t3_191125 mysql" 
 $ for II in $ALL; do echo $II; mysqldump $II > $II.sql ; done 
 $ scp *.sql 

 # Backup latest files: 
 $ rsync -av --delete /var/www/html/ 

 # OS Migration:  

 # Ubuntu 20 
 $ do-release-upgrade  

 # Login join(u20) und Apache direkt wieder anhalten: 
 $ service apache2 stop 

 # Ubuntu 22 
 $ do-release-upgrade  

 # Login join(u22) und Apache direkt wieder anhalten: 
 $ service apache2 stop 

 # Check welche PHP Version installiert. Ggfs. sind noch alte installiert. Am besten vergleichen ob alle PHP Pakete von der alten Version auch in der neuen installiert sind. Bei dieser Migration fehlten nach der Migration @php-xml@, @php-json@. 
 $ dpkg --list | grep php 
 $ apt purge php7.4* libapache2-mod-php7.2 
 $ apt install php-xml php-json 

 h2. Preparation on dev (webwork22) 

 # Create dump of typo3 database: 
 $ mysqldump join_dev_t3 > /var/tmp/join_dev_t3_v11.sql 

 # Filestruktur  
 $ cd /var/www/html 
 $ tar zcf /var/tmp/join_dev_v11.tgz join 

 h2. File transfer: Dev to Production 

 Jump host TL 
 $ scp root@webwork22:/var/tmp/join_dev_t3_v11.sql /scratch/tmp/30/join/dev/ 
 $ scp root@webwork22:/var/tmp/join_dev_v11.tgz /scratch/tmp/30/join/dev/ 

 $ rsync -av    /scratch/tmp/30/join/dev 

 h2. Setup Production 


 $ cd /var/www/ 
 $ mv html html.v9 

 # Unpack page instance for prod and preview. Rename them to original name and check the right permissions: 

 # Prod 
 $ cd /var/www/ 
 $ tar -xzf /var/tmp/dev/lszgs_dev_v11.tgz 
 $ mv join html 

 # Preview 
 $ tar -xzf /var/tmp/dev/lszgs_dev_v11.tgz 
 $ mv join html/preview 

 # Drop old T3 (tables might be changed), create empty one 
 $ mysql 
 % drop database lszgs_prod_t3; 
 % drop database lszgs_preview_t3; 
 % create database lszgs_prod_t3; 
 % create database lszgs_preview_t3; 

 # Not necessary if there is a full sync in the next step: Import T3 DBs (Prod & Peview same) 
 $ mysql lszgs_prod_t3 < /var/tmp/dev/lszgs_dev_t3_v11.sql 
 $ mysql lszgs_preview_t3 < /var/tmp/dev/lszgs_dev_t3_v11.sql 

 # ** Sync QFQ Data ** 
 $ cd /scratch/share/system/sync/join/ 
 $ ./ -f 
 $ ./ -f 

 # Restore fileadmin 
 $ mkdir /var/tmp/ 

 # Keep dev version temporarily on prod for comparison in case  
 $ mv /var/www/html/fileadmin/protected /var/tmp/fileadmin/.dev/protected 

 # Restore prod: financialrequests & protected 
 $ mv /var/www/html.v9/fileadmin/protected /var/www/html/fileadmin/ 

 # Restore preview: financialrequests & protected 
 $ \rm -R /var/www/html/preview/fileadmin/protected  
 $ mv /var/www/html.v9/preview/fileadmin/protected /var/www/html/preview/fileadmin/ 

 h2. Configuration: qfq.json and LocalConfiguration.php 

 * Prepare the final config files in `/var/tmp/dev/prev|prod` 


 * DB_1_USER 
 * DB_1_NAME 


 * db 
 * user 
 * password 
 * baseUrl 
 * wkhtmltopdf  
 * redirect E-Mail 
 * sitename 
 * installtoolpw 

 Copy config files: 

 $ cp /var/tmp/dev/prod/LocalConfiguration.php /var/www/html/typo3conf/ 
 $ cp /var/tmp/dev/prev/LocalConfiguration.php /var/www/html/preview/typo3conf/ 


 h2. Finalize 

 * Play ansible playbook 
 $ cd git/it/ansible/playbooks 
 $ ansible-playbook -i ../hosts qfq.yml --limit join 

 $ a2enmod php8.1  
 $ service apache2 restart 


 * Misc 
 # Set Permissions 
 $ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html 

 # Alle Cronjobs aktvieren: 
 $ cronjob -e 
 $ cronjob -e -u www-data 

 * Check Backup. 
 * Remove old join dev instance (webwork16). 

   * Incl. 'Autocron' Dev 

 * Update kpit PWs with webwork16/webwork22 credentials. 
 * Update "Project Wiki": summary with new dev instance (webwork22). 

 h2. Probleme bei der Migration 

 * T3 Site-Konfiguration: T3 hat in der Site Konfiguration die URL von webwork22 gehabt (dump von webwork22). Das wird aktuell durch die I-MATH Sync Skripte noch nicht automatisch angepasst. @Sites > Site Configuration > Entry Point@ 
 * Das FE Login Template sieht schlecht aus. Im @typo3_src@ Vezeichnis hat EN einige Anpassungen gemacht (webwork22) - darum als Quickfix die angepasste Version auf join kopiert (geht mit dem naechsten Typo3 Update verloren (@typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/felogin/Resources/Private/Templates/Login/Login.html@)