


Docker » History » Revision 107

Revision 106 (Elias Villiger, 30.11.2023 14:31) → Revision 107/112 (Elias Villiger, 01.12.2023 13:05) Docker 



 | *Topic* | *Description* | 
 | GIT Repo ssh | | 
 | GIT Repo http | @ | 
 | Docker Host | @webwork20@ - alle Befehle werden als @root@ ausgefuehrt | 
 | Docker Verzeichnis | @/var/docker/<username>@ | 
 | Konfiguration / Ports | @/var/docker/<username>/<username_instancename>/config.json@ | 
 | Save in kpdev | @Root > webwork20 > webwork20/crose_qfq [docker]@ | 
 | T3 FE, xdebug, PMA | @<port>@ | 
 | Start Docker | @docker compose up -d@ | 
 | Stop Docker | @docker compose down@ | 
 | *Update Docker Image* | @docker compose down; git pull; docker compose build; docker compose up -d@ | 


 $ cd /var/docker/ 
 $ mkdir <username> 
 $ cd /var/docker/<username> 

 # Checkout git repo - decide to if you like to use 'http' or 'ssh'.  
 # You can change later, check: 
 $ git clone 

 # ssh: username/password is given automatically, login    via ssh-agent forward: ssh -A root@webwork20 
 $ git clone <username_instancename> 

 # Main Branch ist Typo3 V10 

 # In case T3 V11 should be used 
 $ git checkout typo11 

 $ cd /var/docker/<username>/<username_instancename> 

 # Create docker images and prepare nginx, mariadb, pma 
 # execute 
 $ python3 
 ⠿ Network crose1_dev_default        Created                                                                                                 0.1s 
 ⠿ Container crose1_dev-mariadb-1    Healthy                                                                                                16.5s 
 ⠿ Container crose1_dev-pma-1        Started                                                                                                17.0s 
 ⠿ Container crose1_dev-nginx-1      Started                                                                                                17.2s 
 First time install: http://webwork20:51515/typo3/install.php 
 web: http://webwork20:51515 
 pma: http://webwork20:52195 
 xdebug: 53859 
 ssh: ssh root@webwork20 -p 58785 

 # Create a keepass entry in @kpdev@ under webwork20, incl. your instance password, with the above mentioned ports! 

 # Configure ssh passwordless access to the nginx/php docker. 
 # If not already done before, create a personal private/public SSH keys (in thinlinc): ssh-keygen -t ed25519 

 # Transfer the public SSH key from Thinlinc to the docker on webwork20. 
 [user@tlx] cat ~/.ssh/ 
 ssh-ed25519 AAA...  

 # Copy/paste the key on webwork20 
 [root@webwork20] vim /var/docker/<username>/<username_instancename>/ssh/authorized_keys 

 # Test the password less login ... accept the new SSH hostkey. 
 [user@tlx] ssh root@webwork20 -p 58785 

 h1. Typo3 

 h2. Setup 

 * Open T3/BE: https://webwork20:xxxx/typo3/install.php 



 * Choose "take me straight to the backend" 

 h2. Extensions: Fluid, T3 BE Highlight, QFQ, UZH_CD 

 * Login > extension: 
 ** *fluid styled content* 
 ** *typo3 edit highlighting* 
 ** *qfq* -   
 ** *uzh_cd* -   



 h2. QFQ Extension Config 

 * Set baseUrl 


 h2. Test Page  

 * Create first page: 


 * Under access, set page visible to true 
 * Add template to home (via plus): 

 h2. Test Content 

 * Add page content > QFQ to home 


 10.sql = SELECT "Hello world from QFQ, ", NOW() 

 * Try view page on home for a first test: 

 * As instructed, create a new page "Form" with pagecontent [QFQ] Form under Home and load the formEditor: 


 * Reload the page 

 h2. T3 Version 

 * Get and remember the T3 version (for source directory in PhpStorm) 


 * Done with typo3! 

 h1. PhpStorm 

 h2. TCP Ports 

 * *Replace* the following ports with yours! 

 | Config File | @/var/docker/<username>/<username_instancename>/config.json@ | 
 | First time install | http://webwork20:51515/typo3/install.php | 
 | web | http://webwork20:51515 | 
 | pma | http://webwork20:52195 | 
 | xdebug | 53859 | 
 | ssh | ssh root@webwork20 -p 58785 | 


 h2. Clone local qfq directory 

 * If you have not done so already, clone the qfq directory on your local environment for development in PhpStorm 
 cd    ~/PhpstormProjects 
 git clone 

 # run makefile 
 cd qfq 
 npm run build 
 * Open the project in PhpStorm 


 h2. Check Update T3 Sources in /scratch/software/typo3 

 * Typo3: during docker bootstrap, the latest Typo3 V10 version will be downloaded - if that one is not already uploaded to @/scratch/software/typo3@, do this first. 

 h2. Content Root 

 * Add Content Root: @File > Settings > Directories > Add Content Root: /scratch/software/typo3/typo3_src-...@ 


 h2. Default PHP Version / Remote PHP 

 * Set a) PHP Version and b) CLI Interpreter (used as default) 




 h2. Debug 

 * PhpStorm: @File > Settings > PHP > Debug@ 


 * List all of the xdebug ports of your docker containers, comma separated. 
 * REMOVE 9000, else phpstorm will still stop webwork16. 

 h2. HTTP Server 

 * Add Server: @File > Settings > PHP > Server > [+] @ 


 * Please give a detailed name, eg. webwork20 dev, there will be multiple deployments on the same server! 
 * Use the *http* port for the website, not the xdebug port! 

 * Map a) the path of extension > /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/qfq/ and b) the Typo3 Sources 



 h2. Run / Debug Configuration 

 * Add a new @Run/Debug Configuration@ (upper right corner or @Run > Edit Configurations ...@): 



 * Remove webwork16 if you didn't remove port 9000, to not stop webwork16 by accident. 

 h2. Deployment 

 * Deployment path: @Tools > Deployment > Configuration > [+] > Sftp > New Servername: ...@ 



 * Wenn gewuenscht kann der automatische Upload aktiviert werden: 


 h1. PHPUnit Tests 

 * Aktuell ist noch ein Workaround noetig (Ruecksprache mit Benj) - nur damit phpunit lokal im Docker installiert ist.  
 * Im Docker als @root@: 
 $ apt install composer 
 $ cd /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/qfq 
 $ composer update 
 $ composer dump-autoload 
   The last command is required by PHPUnit to be loaded properly in the next step. 

 * PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter 




 h1. Issues / Probleme 

 h2. Problems showing icons 

 * If the FormEditor is broken and has problems to show note.gif, the baseUrl is probably not configure in QFQ setup. 
 * Configure correct Site entry point 


 h2. Docker funktionierte nicht mehr auf webwork20 

 * #15745 / Docker 

 h2. Class 'ComposerAutoloaderInit40...' not found 

 * Testweise QFQ tt-content records deaktivieren > Danach funktioniert die Seite wieder. 
 * Ursache: das @extension/composer.json@ wurde beim Deployment von Thinlinc in den Container kopiert ... das funktioniert aktuell nicht. @composer.json@    im Docker loeschen. 

 h2. Install QFQ Extension: Could not remove extension directory 

 * @ERROR: Could not remove extension directory "typo3conf/ext/qfq/". Reasons@ 

   * Fix: in docker container @chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/qfq@ 
