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Enis Nuredini, 24.06.2024 14:45

QFQ Merge


QFQ Merge feature should be installed automatically with new QFQ Version 24.3.x
If the automatic upgrade wasnt successful, here are some important points:

SQL Function and Procedure

QFQ should deliver one sql function and one procedure called:
  • build_dynamic_columns
  • auto_insert_merge_rules

If one of these is missing then take these SQL statement to import it:

Grp Table

Check if the table 'Grp' exists in database.
Table should have following columns:
  • id
  • grId
  • name
  • reference
  • value
  • value2
  • value3
  • value4
  • comment
  • enabled
  • modified
  • created

SQL structure: Grp.sql

In this table two records with following references should already exist:
  • qfq_merge_rule
  • qfq_merge_query

SQL Merge Records: Grp_merge_data.sql

QFQ Merge Page

Create for the merge tool a new page in Typo3 backend if not already done.
Create a new qfq tt-content on that page with following content (



New Rules

Let's trigger the automation to create some new rules depending on a beginning pId column name:

After a page reload all created rules should be displayed in the table.
The auto created rules are all per default enabled. It's possible to edit, delete or create new rules.
An example of a special rule:

New Search Query

Create a new search query.
Its important to use the predefined keywords:
  • _tableName
  • _id1
  • _id2
  • _column1
  • _column2
  • _key

Example of a query can be found here:

Updated by Enis Nuredini 23 days ago · 12 revisions