


QFQ Merge » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Enis Nuredini, 24.06.2024 14:08) → Revision 3/17 (Enis Nuredini, 24.06.2024 14:13)

h1. QFQ Merge 


 h2. Installation 

 QFQ Merge feature should be installed automatically with new QFQ Version 24.3.x 
 If the automatic upgrade wasnt successful, here are some important points: 


 h3. SQL Function and Procedure 

 QFQ should deliver one sql function and one procedure called: 
 * build_dynamic_columns 
 * auto_insert_merge_rules 

 If one of these is missing then take these SQL statement to import it:  

 h3. Grp Table 

 Check if the table 'Grp' exists in database. 
 Table should have following columns: 
 * id 
 * grId 
 * name 
 * reference 
 * value 
 * value2 
 * value3 
 * value4 
 * comment 
 * enabled 
 * modified 
 * created 

 In this table two records with following references should already exist: 
 * qfq_merge_rule 
 * qfq_merge_query