



SeleniumTests » History » Revision 4

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Carsten Rose, 28.12.2023 17:22


  • Test QFQ
  • Test a specific application
  • Interactive Tests - used during developing of selenium tests
  • Automated Tests -


  • Creating a dedicated QFQ-Test-Application (#17523) - this will be the base for all further interactice and automated tests.
  • This will be the same for a) Developer (check out new features, example code) and b) selenium tests.
  • The 'Develop' part will be based on the crose QFQ site http://webwork20:38773/
  • Selenium Test Data: all tables start with 'Data_'
  • Developer Test Data: all tables start with 'Dev_'
  • Current Shweta 'QFQ learn' and 'Selenium test' is the same: http://webwork20:37091
    • We need a develop site for Shweta (might be the existing one, or a copy of the new QFQ-Test-Application)
    • A 'production' version which is 'QFQ-Test-Application'

Preparation Tasks together with Enis

  • Setup dedicated QFQ test environment for run as automated tests (Check how Marc did it).
  • Debugging & troubleshoot Python/Selenium tests - make it easier for Shweta to see what is not working and why.

Update QFQ, Typo3, MariaDB and keep the tests up and running

  • Document how to update the QFQ-Test-Application.
  • How does the developer fetch the latest QFQ-Test-Application?
  • Later: Maybe several T3 / QFQ / MariaDB versions.

Tasks for Shweta

  • Categorize Tests. E.g: Form, FormElement, Report, Downloads (create subpages per topic)
  • Define 'test-data': sql file, all tables have the prefix `Data_`, such test-data can be played (and should implizit remove all previous data).
  • Create Wiki Pages for each category (Form, FormElement, Report, Downloads) and write down all tests (one per line) - go through


  • Clean Test Environment
    • Reproducable T3 QFQ Site
    • Reproducable Data
  • Definition: What to test
    • Form
      • Form Save Record
      • Form Update Record
      • Form Delete Record
      • Each individual FormElement
      • Dynamic Update
    • Report
      • Syntax like: head, tail, shead, stail, rbeg, rend, renr, fbeg, fend, althead, altsql
      • `... as _link`
        • plain link
        • link with question dialog
        • link with tooltip
        • render mode
  • Implement Tests


Updated by Carsten Rose 7 months ago · 4 revisions