


Typo3 V10 > V11 » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Enis Nuredini, 09.04.2023 22:36) → Revision 3/22 (Enis Nuredini, 09.04.2023 22:36)

h1. Migration Typo3 v10 > v11 

 Some changes in php are needed to get QFQ work in v11. 

 h3. Extensions Upgrades 

 |    LDAP|    V3.7.1| 

 h3. File ext_localconf.php 

 The configurePlugin block needs to be changed to following: 
     [\IMATHUZH\Qfq\Controller\QfqController::class => 'show'], 
     [\IMATHUZH\Qfq\Controller\QfqController::class => 'show'], // put here as well, if controller output must not be cached 

 h3. QFQ Class QfqController.php 

 Two new needed Classes needs to be linked: 
 use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; 
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\HtmlResponse; 

 Changes for the showAction() function: 
     public function showAction(): ResponseInterface { 

         $html = ''; 
         $origErrorReporting = ''; 
         $flagOk = false; 

         try { 
             $contentObject = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject(); 

             // By T3 default 'E_NOTICE' is unset. E.g. 'Undefined Index' will throw an exception. 
             // QFQ like to see those 'E_NOTICE' 
             $origErrorReporting = error_reporting(); 
             error_reporting($origErrorReporting | E_NOTICE); 

             $qfq = new QuickFormQuery($contentObject->data); 
             $html = $qfq->process(); 
             $flagOk = true; 

         } catch (\UserFormException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\UserReportException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\CodeException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\DbException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\ShellException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\DownloadException $e) { 
             $html = $e->formatMessage(); 

         } catch (\Exception $e) { 
             $ee = new \UserReportException(json_encode([ 
                 ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_USER => "Generic Exception: " . $e->getMessage(), 
                 ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_DEVELOPER => $e->getTraceAsString()]), E_ERROR); 
             $html = $ee->formatMessage(); 
         } catch (\Throwable $e) { 
             $ee = new \UserReportException(json_encode([ 
                 ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_USER => "Generic Error: " . $e->getMessage(), 
                 ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_DEVELOPER => $e->getTraceAsString()]), E_ERROR); 
             $html = $ee->formatMessage(); 

         if (isset($e) && $e->getCode() == ERROR_QUIT_QFQ_REGULAR) { 
             $flagOk = true; 

         if (!$flagOk) { 
             $html = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$html</div>"; 

         // Restore has to be outside of try/catch - E_NOTICE needs to unset for further T3 handling after an QFQ Exception. 

         $this->view->assign('qfqOutput', $html); 
         $content = $this->view->render(); 
         return new HtmlResponse($content); 

 We see that the new Typo3 versions are waiting for returned HtmlResponse Objects.