


[Open] I-MATH Downtime: 21.10.15 18:00 - 06:00

Added by Carsten Rose almost 9 years ago

The network infrastructure of our building Y27 will be migrated (VOIP preparation).

During the maintenance, all Thinlinc terminals and all IMATH servers will be down. This includes Mail, Web, SSH, GIT, EDX, Thinlinc remote access ...

Maintenance Time:
Wednesday 21.10.15 18:00 - Thursday 22.10.15 06:00.

Please expect that incoming mail, which migth delayed more than 4 hours, generates warnings to the sender about 'not delivered yet'. This is only a warning - the mail will be delivered as soon as the mailserver is online again.

During the maintenance window, we will also do some server reconfiguration and therefore reboot all servers, including all Thinlinc and NFS servers.

