


[Info] New default Screenshot tools

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 6 years ago

We installed a new default Screenshot tool. When you press PrintScreen the Screen will get a dark overlay and you can select the Area you want to screenshot and immediately start editing the image.

  • Adjustable selection
  • Direct upload to the imgur to share the screenshot online
  • Usual features like copy to clipboard or save to disk
  • Highlight or blur parts of the screenshot
  • Place markings such as arrows, circles and rectangles on the image

A quick usage preview can be seen here:

For additional information visit the git:

For more advanced user, we also installed scrot, a command line tool that takes screenshot either fullscreen, current window or selection area. You can also bind this command to the printscreen key if you visit System > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcut and scroll down to the custom keybinds. There you will see the Printscreen function and can edit it to execute one of those:

# Create a screenshot of the entire screen in your home directory with a datetime stamp
scrot ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

# Create a screenshot of the current window in your homedirectory
scrot -ub ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

# Opens a selection tool to select the area to screenshot
scrot -s ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

For advanced info on scrot type man scrot in a terminal.

animatedUsage.gif View animatedUsage.gif 324 KB Benjamin Baer, 14.08.2018 10:37
