


T3 V10 Best Practice » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Enis Nuredini, 05.03.2023 16:30) → Revision 6/16 (Philipp Gröbelbauer, 09.03.2023 14:53)

h1. T3 V10 Best Practice 

 h2. Redirect BaseUrl to Home 

 Site Management > Redirects > Add redirect 
 Source Domain = 
 Source Path = /medtool/dev10/ 
 Force SSL Redirect = Enabled 
 Status Code HTTP Header = 307 

 h2. Forwarding (Page not Found/Not accessible) 

 Typo3 Site Configuration: 

 Site Management > Sites > Error Handling > [errorCode] = 403 / [errorHandler] = Page / [errorContentSource] = 
 Specific page must be given. Using BaseUrl doesnt work. 

 h2. PDF emptyTemplate 

 The empty template setup content from T3 V9 and earlier doesn't work in 10 and higher anymore. Instead following setup can be used: 
 page = PAGE 
 page.typeNum = 0 
 page.includeCSS { 
   10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-letter.css 

 // Grant access to any logged in user or specific development IPs 
 [loginUser('*') or ip('')]  
   page.10 < styles.content.get 
   page.10 = TEXT 
   page.10.value = access forbidden 
 Attention: Its possible that the filename font-awesome.min.css from the UZH-CD Extension makes problems with wkhtmltopdf. The file should be copied with the new name fontawesome.min.css. This resolved the problem. 

 h2. cHash Error 

 Folgender Fehler könnte auftreten beim Öffnen eines SIP-Links: 


 Dieser Fehler kann umgangen werden: 

 # T3 Backend öffnen -> (Admin Tools) -> Settings 
 # Configure Installation-Wide Options 
 # [FE][pageNotFoundOnCHashError] = false setzen 


 Ob das die beste Lösung ist, bleibt unklar.