



[Phishing] Renew Your Password

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Dear support,

Your account password is set to expire today
Click below to continue with the same password


Your account will be be temporarily suspended from sending and receiving message if no action is taken Email Service

Thіs еmаіl wаs sеnt tо

[Phishing] ⚠ Warnungs Benachrichtigung

Added by Levin Jason Meierhöfer about 1 year ago

Wir haben festgestellt, dass Ihr E-Mail-Passwort heute abgelaufen ist und Sie es mit Ihrem aktuellen Passwort verifizieren müssen, um mit Zimbra fortzufahren.  
Ignorieren Sie diese E-Mail nicht, sonst wird sie automatisch heruntergefahren

Bestätigen Sie das Passwort, um fortzufahren

Sie haben diese E-Mail erhalten, um Sie über wichtige Änderungen an Ihrem E-Mail-Konto und Ihren Diensten zu informieren

 Zimbra || Provider Copyright © 2023 Synacor, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

[Phishing] Action Required: Pending Messages ...

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago


Your incoming/outgoing messages has been placed on-hold due to some mailbox interruptions.
Go to Email account settings below to review held messages and fix bugs.
Email Account Settings

Failure to review your account may cause login interruption.

[Phishing] Universität Zürich

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Hiermit möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass Ihre in Kürze vom Systemadministrator 
der Universität deaktiviert wird. Klicken Sie hier, um Ihr Konto aktiv zu halten.

Universität Zürich

[Maintenance] Printer jcolor & k oflline 21.6.2023 13:00

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Die folgende Meldung betrifft den Zeitraum:
2023-06-21 13:00  -  2023-06-21 17:00

Aufgrund einer Aktualisierung der Infrastruktur von UZH Print Plus steht
die Dienstleistung am Mittwoch, den 21. Juni 2023 ab 13:00h bis 17:00h
nicht zur Verfügung. Sämtliche Funktionen wie Kopieren, Drucken,
MailToPrint und Scannen sind nicht möglich!

Freundliche Grüsse
UZH Print Plus

[Phishing] ⚠ Warning Notification

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Your access to email has been restricted. An attempt was made to log in
to your account from this IP If you do not validate
your account within 24 hours, you will not be able to send or receive
new messages until you re-validate your mailbox. Before maintaining your

Click Here To Reactivate Your Account

Help Desk

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[Phishing] Renew Your Password

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Dear support,

Your account password is set to expire today.
Click below to continue with the same password.


Your account will be be temporarily suspended from sending and receiving message if no action is taken.

Email Service

Thіs еmаіl wаs sеnt tо

[Phishing] Zimbra

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago


Our Zimbra login access page has changed. We are preparing for an email upgrade.
However, to avoid the closure/losing access to your Zimbra account, please login
to your account by following the new access page to know more about the new improved
secure login access: CLICK to login new access page

Your account will function normally five (5) days working hours after the validation
process a certification notice will be renewed. Failed to do this will results to the
closure of your email account.

Thank you,
Zimbra Customer Service Office
All Reserved Copyright ® 2023


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