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# Due date Status Priority Project Subject Assignee
880 25.12.2019 New Normal QFQ Security: PHP, SQL Injection, XSS Support: Web Actions
14371 19.06.2022 Priorize Normal QFQ LDAP via REPORT Carsten Rose Actions
9834 01.07.2021 Priorize Normal QFQ Input elements with tag 'disabled' are missing on form-submit: server option 'processReadOnly' broken Carsten Rose Actions
9346 17.06.2021 Priorize Normal QFQ beforeSave: check if an upload is given Carsten Rose Actions
6870 15.03.2023 Priorize Normal QFQ Click on '_link' triggers an API call Benjamin Baer Actions
6801 07.12.2022 Priorize Normal QFQ Fabric: Maximize / Fulllscreen Benjamin Baer Actions
6566 22.03.2023 Priorize Normal QFQ Link Function 'delete': provided parameter missing on page reload Benjamin Baer Actions
6224 08.11.2022 Priorize Normal QFQ Dynamic update: fade in/out fields Benjamin Baer Actions
6140 19.04.2023 Priorize Normal QFQ QFQ DnD Sort: Locked fields Benjamin Baer Actions
5562 11.01.2023 Priorize Normal QFQ Drag'n'Drop fuer Uploads Benjamin Baer Actions
5366 08.11.2022 Priorize Normal QFQ Saving with keyboard shortcuts Benjamin Baer Actions
4457 09.11.2022 Priorize Normal QFQ typeahead: pressing return to select an item, saves the form and closes the form. Benjamin Baer Actions
18713 30.05.2024 ToDo Normal QFQ Missing check if parameter "o" (tooltip) and/or "G" (glyphicon) are set for upload FE (filepond) Carsten Rose Actions
14863 19.10.2022 ToDo Normal QFQ Empfohlene qfq Version und typo3 Version Carsten Rose Actions
9135 11.11.2023 In Progress Normal QFQ Progress Bar generic / replace old hourglass download popup Benjamin Baer Actions
9535 17.12.2019 Feedback Normal QFQ Report: ... AS '_vertical' - column to wide - vertical >> rot45, rot90 Benjamin Baer Actions
5894 30.09.2022 Feedback Normal QFQ Typeahead in Report: show/hide rows dynamically Carsten Rose Actions
13608 14.01.2022 Some day maybe Normal QFQ Automatic Browser Language Redirect Enis Nuredini Actions
9126 28.02.2021 Some day maybe Normal QFQ hidden Form elements are present in page source Actions
7107 27.01.2020 Some day maybe Normal QFQ Showcase Registration Tool: Anmeldung / Administration : Liste Anmeldungen / Emaileinaldung Carsten Rose Actions
4398 17.12.2019 Some day maybe Normal QFQ Typeahead: mouse click in a prefilled input opens a single item dropdown with the current value - click on it seems to set the value, not the key. Benjamin Baer Actions
3692 15.01.2020 Some day maybe Normal QFQ QFQ Webseite Benjamin Baer Actions
3402 25.01.2020 Some day maybe Normal QFQ Syntax Highlighting via CodeMirror Carsten Rose Actions
15047 25.11.2022 New Low QFQ {{allRequiredGiven:V}} = 0, wenn Note Formelement auf required ist Enis Nuredini Actions
(26-49/49) Per page: 25, 50

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