



[Maintenance] Network Y27 offline - Sunday, 2.9.18

Added by Carsten Rose almost 6 years ago

Dear all

the compute center plans some maintenance on the network of our building.

Sunday, 02.09.18
Timeframe: 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Duration: 60 mins

!!!All services might be affected!!!

The thinlinc sessions might be disconnected during this time (they are not lost, you can reconnect later).
The thinlinc terminals in the offices will be offline too.

Sorry for the trouble.



[Info] Mail from Dropbox: move to new location (Ext4)

Added by Carsten Rose almost 6 years ago

Dear all

all users who use Dropbox on thinlinc, received a mail from Dropbox, that they have to move to an Ext4 drive.

On thinlinc, you can't do this by yourself. We'll wait a few days if Dropbox change their plans (public protest is big). If not, we're looking for a workaround to keep Dropbox running and keep you informed.

Reference to dropbox:



[Info] New default Screenshot tools

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 6 years ago

We installed a new default Screenshot tool. When you press PrintScreen the Screen will get a dark overlay and you can select the Area you want to screenshot and immediately start editing the image.

  • Adjustable selection
  • Direct upload to the imgur to share the screenshot online
  • Usual features like copy to clipboard or save to disk
  • Highlight or blur parts of the screenshot
  • Place markings such as arrows, circles and rectangles on the image

A quick usage preview can be seen here:

For additional information visit the git:

For more advanced user, we also installed scrot, a command line tool that takes screenshot either fullscreen, current window or selection area. You can also bind this command to the printscreen key if you visit System > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcut and scroll down to the custom keybinds. There you will see the Printscreen function and can edit it to execute one of those:

# Create a screenshot of the entire screen in your home directory with a datetime stamp
scrot ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

# Create a screenshot of the current window in your homedirectory
scrot -ub ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

# Opens a selection tool to select the area to screenshot
scrot -s ~/%y%m%d_%H%M.png

For advanced info on scrot type man scrot in a terminal.

[Phishing Email] Re-Validate

Added by Daniel Schildknecht almost 6 years ago

From: Zimbra

Your account has exceeded it quota limit as set by Administrator, and you may not be able to send or receive new mails until you Re-Validate your account.
To Re-Validate account, Please CLICK: Re-Validate ....  Account

[Phishing Email] Achtung: Dringende Nachricht

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 6 years ago

Von: postmeister

Sie müssen Ihr Konto bestätigen, um die Kontingentgrenze Ihres Webmail-Kontos zu erhöhen Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir auch an der Aktualisierung von Servern und Webmail für einen besseren Service arbeiten. Daher müssen Sie tun, was zur Verifizierung Ihres Kontos erforderlich istKonto

Klicken Sie hier, um Ihr Konto zu bestätigen.

Danke für Ihr Verständnis.


[Phishing Email] Email Shut-Down After 24hours

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 6 years ago

Dear Zimbra

You will be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed within 24hrs of receiving this automated mail. You are the Required You to Update through The Link below . 

Click Here

Thanks for using Kenya Mail

Zimbra Mail Team 2018 Update Team

[Phishing Email] Your E-mail De-activation Request

Added by Carsten Rose about 6 years ago

Server Message

Dear ...

Our record indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate email . And this request will be processed shortly.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now

Cancel De-activation

However, if you do not cancel this request, the your account will be de-activated shortly and all your email data will be lost permanently.

Email Administrator

This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.
This email is meant for:

[Phishing Email] linkedin update,

Added by Carsten Rose about 6 years ago

Dear Linkedin User

As part of our effort to improve your experience in Linkedin access across
our consumer services, we're updating Linkedin Services Agreement and
Click the link below to update your account.
Your account will be De-Activated if you do not update.
This notice Ends TUE July 24, 2018
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Linkedin Service Provider

Copyright ? 2018 Information
Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.


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