



[Phishing Email] PO - Confirmation and payment

Added by Daniel Schildknecht over 6 years ago

Dear Sir,
As attached the PO we received from the buyer has a different consignee details. Should we go ahead to confirm it for payment.
Please persuade your account to rectify the debit note differences before the weeks runs out.

Thanks and regards,

GRAND PALACE Wedding & Convention Center

[Phishing Email]Warnung Ihr Postfachkonto ist mit einem ...

Added by Dario Morciano over 6 years ago

Lieber E-Mail-Benutzer:
Ihr E-Mail-Konto wurde mit einem Trojaner-Virus infiziert. Laden Sie für Ihre Kontosicherheit keine E-Mail-Anhänge herunter.
Um den Virus zu löschen und um zu verhindern, dass Ihr Postfach heruntergefahren wurde, geben Sie dem Administrator die folgende Anmeldung an.

Bestätige das Passwort:


[Solved] Thinlinc out of memory

Added by Carsten Rose over 6 years ago

Dear all

the thinlinc servers tl4,8,12,18 has been configured to 54GB main memory. Now, all tlX are again equal configured. Please report any problems.



[Phishing Email] Znovu overit

Added by Dario Morciano over 6 years ago

Vážený uživateli zimbra,

 Limit kvóty úctu bude brzy prekrocen podle nastavení 
správce a pravdepodobne nebudete moci odesílat nebo 
prijímat novou poštu, dokud znovu neoveríte svuj úcet.

webmail tým vám nabízí lepší a snadnejší prístup k 
vašemu e-mailu. KLIKNETE na odkaz 
http://... nebo zkopírujte a vložte do 
svého prohlížece upgrade na neomezenou kvótu e-mailu


Dekujeme vám za spolupráci!

Copyright © 2017-2018 Zimbra Technical Team, Inc.

[Solved] I-MATH webmail down

Added by Carsten Rose over 6 years ago

Dear all

today, between 15:49-16:21, the webmail interface of our mailserver have been down. The Java process seems to be crashed. Sorry for the trouble.


[Phishing Email] Notfall

Added by Carsten Rose over 6 years ago

Liebe E-Mail Nutzer,
Es gibt eine Sicherheitswarnung auf Ihrem E-Mail-Konto.
Klicken Sie bitte unten auf "Mein Konto bestätigen", um das Problem zu beheben.

Bestätigen Sie Mein Konto

© Copyright 2018 INC.

[Phishing Email] ATTENTION!!!

Added by Dario Morciano over 6 years ago


please Note, from now on, all mails sent to this email account will be bounced back as a result of poor QUOTA space in your mailbox and you will be unable to upload additional items to your Drive you need to upgrade your Mailbox Quota (please note this is free). 

Click to upgrade

Thank you.
Copyright© 2018
Webmail Service.

[Update] Compute nodes online

Added by Carsten Rose over 6 years ago

Dear all

all compute nodes are online again. On node 'georgia2' a RAM module has been broken and is replaced by a smaller one (now 240GB instead of 256GB main memory).




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