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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated OS / Services % Done Related issues
14589 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal max width for Form wrap Benjamin Baer 24.08.2022 08:45

17620 QFQ Feature New Normal npm run build: Warum muss bei Chart.min.js das kopieren mit einer Custom Rule gemacht werden? Benjamin Baer 02.03.2024 18:18

2063 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Pills auf 'inaktiv' setzen falls keine Element auf dem Pill sichtbar sind. Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3752 Actions
12556 QFQ Feature New Normal Pills Title: colored = static or dynamic on allrequiredgiven Benjamin Baer 19.03.2022 17:49

9135 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal Progress Bar generic / replace old hourglass download popup Benjamin Baer 31.10.2023 17:09

Related to #5221, Related to #17204 Actions
5389 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Design: Multline label / note Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:19

6140 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal QFQ DnD Sort: Locked fields Benjamin Baer 24.10.2022 12:56

3692 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Webseite Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #5033 Actions
13528 QFQ Bug New Normal > releases: es wird kein neues Release angelegt Benjamin Baer 19.03.2022 17:46

9535 QFQ Bug Feedback Normal Report: ... AS '_vertical' - column to wide - vertical >> rot45, rot90 Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 15:56

4454 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Required Elements: multiple elements in a row - whole row marked if only one input is empty. Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:20

5366 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Saving with keyboard shortcuts Benjamin Baer 04.11.2022 09:02

7730 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal SELECT Box: title in between Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:22

14705 QFQ Bug New Normal Tablesorter Viewsaver: Icons broken in dropdownlist (only in firefox) Benjamin Baer 02.03.2024 19:54

9130 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal tablesorter: Automatic Row numbering / Zeilenummer Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:22

6970 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal tablesorter: default fuer 'sortReset' aendern von 'Ctrl' zu 'Alt' Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:21

15083 QFQ Bug New Normal Tags: Input & ExtraButtonInfo/Lock/Show password - shifted Benjamin Baer 02.03.2024 19:52

4398 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Typeahead: mouse click in a prefilled input opens a single item dropdown with the current value - click on it seems to set the value, not the key. Benjamin Baer 01.02.2020 23:20

Related to #4457 Actions
4457 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal typeahead: pressing return to select an item, saves the form and closes the form. Benjamin Baer 04.11.2022 09:01

Related to #4398 Actions
17266 QFQ Feature New Normal Upgrade TinyMCE V6 Benjamin Baer 13.01.2024 20:10

17142 QFQ Bug New Normal UZH CD: Typo3 clean search bar migration Benjamin Baer 20.03.2024 11:02

17523 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ-Test-Application - Setup based on CR QFQ Instanz Carsten Rose 13.01.2024 20:05

5576 QFQ Bug New Normal Using MySQL 'DROP' requires privilege - wich is not really necessary. Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

4651 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal "Loading document" Modal wird angezeigt bei uzhcd type=2 Ansicht Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

5942 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal 'L' and 'type': append to links, generate via '_link' by using 'u:' . Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

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