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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated OS / Services % Done Related issues
9704 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Thumbnails Generieren beim Splitten von PDF Files Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

8106 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update: Feld kann nicht auf empty zurückgesetzt werden Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

8894 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Documentation Tags Usable in QFQ Application Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

8892 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Display and Edit SQL Comments in Form Editor Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

9020 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal radio mit buttonClass und dynamicUpdate lassen sich nicht kombinieren 11.12.2019 16:01

6992 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal DB exception: Syntax Highlight 11.12.2019 16:01

Related to #5450 Actions
7108 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Wrap Elements 11.12.2019 16:01

7106 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Beispiel Nummerierung von Rows in Report 11.12.2019 16:01

7105 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Beispiel wie man in einer zweiten Tabelle speichert. 11.12.2019 16:01

7104 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Manual: hint about escaping if '\r' appears in mail body 11.12.2019 16:01

5783 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal BPMN View/Edit 11.12.2019 16:02

6083 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update: Value Check via SQL 11.12.2019 16:02

6299 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Attack detection: log table with invalid SIP access 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #3947 Actions
6288 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Best Practice: Erklaeren wie man ein Formular ganz in 'weiss' erstellen kann 11.12.2019 16:02

6515 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Formular: Felder dynamisch ein/ausblenden 11.12.2019 16:02

6715 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Code-Refactoring: dbArray vereinheitlichen Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

4349 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal _link|download: downloaded external URL to deliver/concatenate - check mimetipe and handle it correctly Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

4441 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal $_SERVER Vars sollten nur aus dem Store genommen werden - Code entsprechend anpassen. 11.12.2019 16:02

4440 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Manual.rst: explain how to. expand PHP Session to 4h 11.12.2019 16:02

4420 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Client: Local Storage - store the changes of a form, local in the browser. Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:02

4444 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal FE.type=upload: detect mime type 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #4303 Actions
4839 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal qfq-handle in <head> Abschnitt Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

4974 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Long polling - inform all listening clients of changes 11.12.2019 16:02

4956 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Sendmail: Benutzerdefinierte Headers Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

5160 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ collaborative / together.js, ShareJS, y-js, collaborative, 11.12.2019 16:02

5129 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Reports: SQL fuer x Achse und y Achse 11.12.2019 16:02

3291 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal AutoCron websiteToken Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #4250 Actions
3285 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Zeichenlimit pro Feld: textarea / editor Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3273 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Low Dirty Flag in Form Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3385 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: insert/update/delete non primary records Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3350 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal FormEditor: Hilfetext hinter 'checktype' Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3349 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal config.qfq.ini: a) vertraegt keine '=' im Value (z.B. Passwort), b) Values sollten in ticks einschliessbar sein (spaces, ..) Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3332 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Uploads: Thumbnails, Details zum hochgeladenen File Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #3264, Related to #5333 Actions
3331 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Default Tooltip fuer _page? Links: mit Form und Record ID Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3495 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Predifined Parameter werden nicht in '+' (add new record) SIP gerendert. 11.12.2019 16:02

3458 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Display 'Edit Form Element'-Checkbox on form: should depend on FE Group Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #3447 Actions
3457 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal LDAP: concat multi values to one single entry Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3415 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal FE Login Box Templatefile Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:02

3567 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Low 'Save', 'Close', 'New' als FormElement 11.12.2019 16:02

3537 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Low SHOW COLUMNS FROM tableName - Extend '{{!...' definition Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3617 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Load javascripts at bottom 11.12.2019 16:02

3588 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: versteckte Elemente werden weiterhin gespeichert. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3692 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Webseite Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #5033 Actions
3682 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic update: Radio buttons Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3677 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal wkhtmltopdf: FE User access prohibited, if client IP changes - $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[FE][lockIP] Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3666 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal a) Performance Messung: mysql_real_escape_string() im Vergleich zu str_replace(), b) doppeltes Aufrufen von mysql_real_escape_string() Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3646 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Moeglichkeit HTML Tags in Reports auszugeben (zu enkodieren: htmlspecialchars) 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #14320 Actions
3811 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update: extraButtonInfo - Text aktualisieren Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #11517 Actions
3750 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal FE in a row: if one violates check, all are red Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

3879 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Form 'FormElement': Beim Feld 'name' rechts in der Notiz einen Link einblenden - a) aktuelle Definition anzeigen, b) Spalte in der Tabelle anlegen 11.12.2019 16:03

3878 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Form 'FormElement': Spalte 'name' typeAhead mit Spaltennamen der Primarytable. 11.12.2019 16:03

3877 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal FormEditor: die Felder die aktuell nicht gebraucht werden nur auf readonly/disabled setzen (nicht ausblenden > das irritiert. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

3941 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal sqlAfter: es sollten mehrere moeglich sein Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3942 Actions
3905 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Documentation: Best Practice anhand eines Online Bewerbungstools Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

3900 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Extend documentation of 'Copy / Paste' Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3899 Actions
3895 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal typeahead pedantic: on lehrkredit ldap webpass - if only one person is in dropdown, such person can't be selected Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

3882 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: disable 'add' if limit is reached - funktioniert nicht wenn bereits records existierten Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

3947 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Attack detectect: logout current user Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #5458, Related to #6299 Actions
3942 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Action Elemente: neu generierte IDs via FE weitergeben Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3941 Actions
4197 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Unit Test fuer JSON Stream von QuickFormQuery.php > doForm() Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

4138 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal _style fehlt 11.12.2019 16:03

4122 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal _file: Render Mode hat keinen Effekt 11.12.2019 16:03

4293 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Download broken if token 'd:' is missing - but no error message Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #7514 Actions
4259 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Instant trigger a cron job Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

1623 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal RealURL 11.12.2019 16:03

1510 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal jquery von google laden, falls das nicht geht lokal 11.12.2019 16:03

1253 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QF: Colorpicker 11.12.2019 16:03

1251 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QF: Combo 11.12.2019 16:03

1946 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Kontrolle ob der ReadOnly Modus bei den Formularelementen korrekt implementiert ist Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

1635 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Extension content record: weitere Optionen einblenden. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

2084 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Mailto mit encryption: Subrecord Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #2082 Actions
2063 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Pills auf 'inaktiv' setzen falls keine Element auf dem Pill sichtbar sind. Benjamin Baer 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3752 Actions
2995 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Dropdown JQuery Plugin: 'chosen' - Moeglichkeit um Select Listen mehr Funktion zu geben. Kein Bootstrap noetig. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

2950 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Inhalt QFQ Records als File 11.12.2019 16:03

3216 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal dynamic update für checkbox label2 Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #2081 Actions
3130 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Debug Info's nicht korrekt nach 'New > Save'. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3253 Actions
4023 QFQ Feature New Normal prepared statements - FE action: salveId, sqlInsert, sqlUpdate, sqlDelete, sqlBefore, sqlAfter Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:15

4756 QFQ Bug New Normal Form dirty even nothing changes Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:16

9777 QFQ Feature New Normal Logging QFQ Variables Carsten Rose 16.12.2019 17:17

9853 QFQ Feature New Normal Check das SQL / QFQ / Mail Logfile geschrieben wird 09.01.2020 11:15

7920 QFQ Feature New Normal FE: Syntax Highlight, Zeinlenumbruch Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:03

5942 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal 'L' and 'type': append to links, generate via '_link' by using 'u:' . Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

3782 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Bei fehlerhafter Eingabe (z.B. Datum) sollte das erwartete Format angezeigt werden Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

7616 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Selectlist with Enum & Dynamic Update Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

7522 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Inserting default index.html to folder (Avoid Apache Indexing) Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

7290 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal FormEditor: title as textarea if LEN(title)>60 Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

Blocked by #7682 Actions
7217 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Download: notice User if `_sip=?` is missing Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

6998 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Form: with debug=on show column information as tooltip of column label Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

6574 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal qfq.log: Fehlermeldung wurde angezeigt, aber nicht geloggt Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

8585 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Enhance Error message for 'unknown form' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

8584 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal FE 'Action' - never assign to Container (except Template Group) Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

8037 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal FE.type=upload (advanced mode): {{slaveId:V}} missing during dynamic update Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

8034 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal FormElement 'data': 22.22.2222 should not be accepted Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

7656 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal FE with required, 'pattern' and 'extraButtonLock': always complain about missing value Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

7630 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal detailed error message for simple upload Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

9947 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Unwanted error message if missing 'typeAheadSqlPrefetch' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

9900 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Generic API Call: tt-content record >> JSON Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

9862 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Failed writing to sql|mail|qfq.log should throw an exception Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

9975 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Dropdown Menu: 'r:3' broken Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

9983 QFQ Feature New Normal Report Notation: new keyword 'range' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 15:55

(1-100/713) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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