



Public: [Phishing] Quota

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Your email password expires soon to keep your email password and details. CLICK HERE to update immediately.

Webmail Administration
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Zimbra, Inc..

Public: [Phishing] One Time Password <>

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Hi Math User,

Your password will expire on 14 June, 2023.

Avoid login failure on your account by verifying using same password.

Verify Here

Failure to take action will result in login interruption.
Math Support Team © 2023, All Rights Reserved.

Public: [Phishing] Überprüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Konto

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Lieber Mail-Benutzer!

 Aufgrund der anonymen Registrierung von UZH-E-Mail-Konten kommt es zu
Staus. Aus diesem Grund aktualisieren wir alle Webmail-Konten, um das
Senden von E-Mail-Verkehr zu vermeiden. Wenn Sie Ihr E-Mail-Konto
weiterhin verwenden möchten, überprüfen Sie dies bitte jetzt. Um aktiv
zu bleiben, müssen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Konto verifizieren.

klicken Sie hier

Aufmerksamkeit! Jeder UZH-E-Mail-Kontoinhaber, der sich nach Erhalt
dieser E-Mail weigert, sein Konto zu aktualisieren, verliert sein Konto



Public: [Phishing] update

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Your email password expires in 2 days to retain email password and details. CLICK HERE to update immediately.

Public: [Phishing] NOTICE - Find approval.pdf Tuesday ...

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago


... ( new file to view "Approve 118.pdf" on Dropbox.

View file

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Learn more in our help center.

© 2023 Dropbox

Public: [Phishing] Aussetzungshinweis: Aktion erforderlich, ...

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Sehr geehrte Kunden 

Ihr Konto wurde aufgrund unvollständiger Informationen gesperrt.

Bitte ergreifen Sie sofort Maßnahmen, um Ihr Konto wiederherzustellen, indem Sie die folgenden Schritte ausführen: 

Reaktiviere dein Konto

hinweis: Zur Wiederherstellung Ihres Kontos sind sofortige Maßnahmen erforderlich, um eine dauerhafte Schließung 
innerhalb der nächsten 12 Stunden zu vermeiden

Danke für ihre mitarbeit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Public: [Maintenance] I-MATH Firewall, 30.5.2023, 21:00-21:30

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Dear all

We will do some maintenance on the I-MATH Firewall, Tuesday 30.5.2023, 21:00-21:30.

The firewall will be rebooted 3 times, which results in a downtime of the whole institute of ~3 minutes each.

If you work at that time from outside Y27, your thinlinc session will freeze. Best is to close the thinlinc window, and try to login again a couple of minutes later.



Public: [Phishing] Action Required: Completed Review and sign ...

Added by Carsten Rose about 1 year ago

Docu Sign

Please reveiw and sign pending document


Please complete with your electronic signature by following the link above.

Thank You.

"This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain  privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have  received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete  the original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited." 

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