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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated OS / Services % Done Related issues
10714 QFQ Feature New Normal multi Table Form Carsten Rose 16.03.2021 18:44

12325 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal MultiDB form.dbIndex not working for report syntax Carsten Rose 07.09.2021 13:37

Related to #12145, Related to #12314 Actions
5695 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal Multiform Carsten Rose 15.12.2023 09:43

11695 QFQ Bug New Normal MultiForm required FE Error Carsten Rose 04.12.2020 13:34

12023 QFQ Feature New Normal MySQL Stored Precdure: QDECODESPECIALCHAR() Carsten Rose 16.02.2021 11:16

Related to #12022 Actions
6437 QFQ Feature New Normal Neuer Mode Button bei FormElementen Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

Related to #9668, Blocked by #9678 Actions
5782 QFQ Feature ToDo Normal NextCloud API Carsten Rose 08.04.2024 08:40

18493 QFQ Support New Normal Nextcloud Assistent: diverse AI Funktionen - check ob das fuer Notez interessant ist. Carsten Rose 12.06.2024 17:33

12133 QFQ Bug New Normal NPM, phpSpreadSheet aktualisieren Carsten Rose 15.03.2021 09:04

Related to #16037 Actions
14090 QFQ Feature New Normal Nützliche _script funktionen Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:53

7685 QFQ Bug New Normal Open FormElement from QFQ error message and save modified record: error about missing {{formId:F}} Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

14175 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Opening a form with no QFQ Session cookie fails Carsten Rose 03.04.2024 10:20

7681 QFQ Feature New Normal Optional switch off 'check for modified record' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

8101 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Password hash: support further hashing methods Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

7336 QFQ Feature New Normal PDF Upload: disallow PDFs with specific Meta information Carsten Rose 04.12.2023 12:33

Related to #17401 Actions
6261 QFQ Feature New Normal Persistent SIP Carsten Rose 03.04.2024 10:25

Related to #10819 Actions
10819 QFQ Feature New Normal Persistent SIP - second try Carsten Rose 29.06.2020 23:02

Related to #6261 Actions
11668 QFQ Bug New Normal Play function.sql - problem with mysql Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:48

4023 QFQ Feature New Normal prepared statements - FE action: salveId, sqlInsert, sqlUpdate, sqlDelete, sqlBefore, sqlAfter Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:15

10658 QFQ Bug New Normal processReadOnly broken Carsten Rose 27.05.2020 17:55

12269 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ / Typo3: 2FA Login Carsten Rose 13.08.2023 11:29

17215 QFQ Bug New Normal QFQ Doku: Encode ‘none’, ‘specialchar’ - 'single tick' fehlt Carsten Rose 17.01.2024 21:52

15986 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ Exception: report original IP if HTTP request has been forwarded through a proxy Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 14:15

Related to #16350 Actions
1635 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ Extension content record: weitere Optionen einblenden. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

12465 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ Function: use in FE to fill StoreRecord Carsten Rose 05.05.2021 21:58

7524 QFQ Bug New Normal QFQ throws a 'General Error' if 'fileadmin/protected/log/...' is not writeable Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

18161 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ Variable: New escape/action class 'strip_tags' Carsten Rose 17.03.2024 12:21

Related to #18160 Actions
19051 QFQ Support New Normal QFQ Version: 24.7.0 Carsten Rose 10.07.2024 22:15

4839 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal qfq-handle in <head> Abschnitt Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

6574 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal qfq.log: Fehlermeldung wurde angezeigt, aber nicht geloggt Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

5480 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ: Dokumentation mit Screenshots versehen Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

Related to #9879 Actions
8586 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal QFQ: Enhance Error message for 'record not found' Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

4771 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal qfq: select-down-values empty after save (edit-form for program administrators) Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

Related to #4549, Has duplicate #4282 Actions
7520 QFQ Feature New Normal QR Code: ... AS _qr (... AS _link) Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

7924 QFQ Feature New Normal Radio/Checkbox with Tooltip Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

11239 QFQ Bug New Normal Radiobutton (plain): horizontales Rendern abhängig vom Datentyp in der Datenbank Carsten Rose 30.09.2020 18:37

7513 QFQ Bug New Normal Radios not correct aligned Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

7795 QFQ Bug New Normal Readonly Form: Typeahead-Felder Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

Related to #10640 Actions
3867 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Readonly Formular: Template Groups add/delete ausbeldnen Carsten Rose 05.05.2021 22:12

3109 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal RealUrl: Links werden nicht korrekt gerendert Carsten Rose 03.11.2022 16:08

7280 QFQ Feature New Normal recently used table Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

13700 QFQ Feature New Normal Redesign Seite Carsten Rose 16.06.2024 17:29

19065 QFQ Support New Normal Refactor to write Logfiles via monolog. Carsten Rose 12.07.2024 21:36

12611 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Refactoring: Bootstrap with Lazy Loading Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:53

Related to #12490, Related to #10013, Related to #7732 Actions
14637 QFQ Feature New Normal Remove 'CopyForm' and tables 'extForm', 'extFormElement' Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:54

10005 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Report / special column name: ... AS _calendar Carsten Rose 03.06.2020 17:28

9983 QFQ Feature New Normal Report Notation: new keyword 'range' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 15:55

7261 QFQ Bug New Normal Report pathFilename for user without path, only the filename Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

9811 QFQ Feature New Normal Report: tag every n'th row Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

9394 QFQ Feature New Normal REST: allow for non numerical ids in get requests Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:41

16830 QFQ Bug Feedback Normal restClient Special Column Exception Handling Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:39

5428 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal secure thumbnail: late render on access. Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

11076 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal SELECT ... AS _websocket Carsten Rose 30.08.2020 17:49

Related to #13354 Actions
7519 QFQ Feature New Normal Select: Multi Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

7616 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Selectlist with Enum & Dynamic Update Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

11080 QFQ Feature New Normal Send MQTT messages Carsten Rose 29.08.2020 19:49

7014 QFQ Bug New Normal Sending invalid emails succeeds when debug.redirectAllMailTo is set Carsten Rose 08.10.2023 10:02

4956 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Sendmail: Benutzerdefinierte Headers Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

8963 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Setting values in a store: flexible way Carsten Rose 05.05.2021 22:10

Related to #8975 Actions
9707 QFQ Feature New Normal SIP security: encode pageId and check pageId on decode Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

14531 QFQ Bug New Normal slaveId, sqlInsert and sqlUpdate should be renamed Carsten Rose 28.07.2022 18:06

12512 QFQ Bug New Normal Some MySQL Installation can't use 'stored procedures' Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:48

7683 QFQ Feature New Normal Special column names in '{{ SELECT ... AS _link }}' should be detected Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

9928 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal SpecialColumnName: a) Deprecated: '... AS "_+tag ..." ' , b) New: '... AS "_<tag1 ...><tag2 ...>" ' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:17

Related to #9929 Actions
17984 QFQ Feature New Normal SQL Firewall Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 21:27

4050 QFQ Feature New Normal sql.log: 1) FormElement ID which causes a specific action , 2) Result in the same row. Carsten Rose 15.04.2020 11:35

Related to #5458 Actions
12504 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal sql.log: report Carsten Rose 05.05.2021 22:09

3941 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal sqlAfter: es sollten mehrere moeglich sein Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3942 Actions
10081 QFQ Bug New Normal Stale record lock after 'forbidden' character Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:24

Related to #10082, Related to #9789 Actions
15130 QFQ Feature New Normal Stored Procedure Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

12413 QFQ Feature New Normal STORE_TYPO3: enhance for {{}}, {{}} Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:45

Related to #12412, Related to #10012 Actions
11775 QFQ Feature New Normal Subrecord Tooltip pro Feld Carsten Rose 18.12.2020 15:22

Related to #11955 Actions
3432 QFQ Feature New Normal subrecord: dynamicUpdate Carsten Rose 11.06.2020 21:10

Related to #5691 Actions
11955 QFQ Feature New Normal subrecord: new title option to set <th> attributes - e.g. to customize tablesorter options. Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:47

Related to #11775 Actions
7574 QFQ Bug New Normal Substitute error: form element not reported / dont parse Form.note Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

12520 QFQ Bug New Normal Switch FE User: still active even FE User session expired Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:48

4258 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal System Defaults: Forms Carsten Rose 03.11.2022 16:08

17101 QFQ Feature New Normal T3 Sync Skript erweitern das auch die 'Site Configuration' gesynct wird Carsten Rose 09.11.2023 21:33

16320 QFQ Feature New Normal Table MailLog: new column pId Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 14:05

10745 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Tablesorter Excel Export Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:09

12679 QFQ Feature New Normal tablesorter: custom column width Carsten Rose 16.06.2021 11:10

10506 QFQ Bug New Normal Template Group broken on MultiDB instance Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:22

Related to #10505, Has duplicate #12702 Actions
12716 QFQ Bug New Normal template group: Pattern only applied to first instance Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:47

12045 QFQ Bug New Normal templateGroup afterSave FE: Aufruf ohne sqlHonorFormElements funktioniert nicht Carsten Rose 18.02.2021 16:33

3882 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: disable 'add' if limit is reached - funktioniert nicht wenn bereits records existierten Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

7521 QFQ Feature New Normal TemplateGroup: fe.type=upload Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

Related to #9706 Actions
3385 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: insert/update/delete non primary records Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3588 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal templateGroup: versteckte Elemente werden weiterhin gespeichert. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

4549 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal TemplateGroups: FE.type SELECT loose selected value after save Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

Related to #4548, Related to #4771 Actions
4757 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Test subrecord: download links ok? Links ok? Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

14495 QFQ Feature New Normal Text above FormElement input Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

9704 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Thumbnails Generieren beim Splitten von PDF Files Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

12439 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal TinyMCE Paste from Word & Character Count/Limit Carsten Rose 05.05.2021 22:15

17160 QFQ Bug Ready to sync (develop) Normal TinyMCE: Do not convert to auto url Carsten Rose 24.10.2023 14:08

17113 QFQ Feature New Normal TinyMCE: paste Plugin in Doku beschreiben Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 19:47

12632 QFQ Feature New Normal TinyMCE: Prepare CSS classes for images Carsten Rose 04.06.2021 14:35

Blocked by #12186 Actions
18160 QFQ Feature New Normal Title of 'FormElement'-form: shortened, link to form Carsten Rose 17.03.2024 15:07

Related to #18161 Actions
9968 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Tooltip in Links for Developer Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:17

12187 QFQ Bug New Normal Trigger FormAsFile() via Report: probably problem with multi DB setup Carsten Rose 20.03.2021 21:20

12400 QFQ Feature New Normal Tutorial ist in QFQ Doku, Wird in der Suche gefunden, es gibt aber kein Menupunkt - Inhalt ueberpruefen Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:45

(501-600/713) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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