



Public: [Solved] Windows printing problems

Added by Benjamin Baer over 8 years ago

The printer weren't reachable from our windows sessions this afternoon.

This problem has been resolved, linux and notebooks weren't affected.

This incident occurred, due to changes to our printservers we had made.

Public: [Solved] Network problems with some terminals and printers

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

Dear all

after the network migration from yesterday, we found several broken or misconfigured network ports. Affected are all devices which are configured for LAN connections like printers and thinlinc terminals. Symptoms are 'no printing at all' or for the terminals 'booting and stopping'. Please report any problems to .

  • The terminal booting problem has been fixed by installing the latest updates.
  • The broken network ports has been identified as wrong documented - and therefore not broken.


Public: [Warning] Phising email: From November, all will be ...

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

  • Subject: From November, all will be swiched to the newest interface
  • Sender: Admin
  • Date: 17.10.2015D
Dear Student/Staff,
It is mandatory that all university( w e b m a i l )   ( u s e r ) start connecting with the newest ( z i m b r a ) interface because by November all ( u s e r ) will be switched to the new interface.
Try it now here: www.....

AGU's E-mail System
Contact us: support@...

Public: [Warning] Phising email: Scanned Image from ...

Added by Carsten Rose almost 9 years ago

  • Subject: Scanned Image from a Xerox WorkCentre
  • Sender: Xerox WorkCentre <>
  • Date: 16.10.2015
    Please open the attached document. It was scanned and sent to you using a Xerox WorkCentre Pro.
    Sent by:
    Number of Images: 8
    Attachment File Type: ZIP [PDF]
    WorkCentre Pro Location: Machine location not set
    Device Name: 35ARAT2W09
    Attached file is scanned image in PDF format.
    Adobe(R)Reader(R) can be downloaded from the following URL:

Public: [Warning] Phising email: Powered By Google© 2015

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 9 years ago

  • Date: 14.10.2015
  • Sender: "Google© 2015" <>
    Dear Google User,
    You have been selected as a winner for using Google services. Find attached email with more details.
    Matt Brittin
    Chairman of the Board and Managing Director,
    Google United Kingdom.
    ©2015 Google Incorporation.
    PT. MNC Sky Vision disclaimer:
    The contents of this e-mail and its attachments, if any, are for the intended recipient(s) only and may contain proprietary, confidential or otherwise private
    information. If you are not the intended recipient or if you have inadvertently received this email, please note that any use, disclosure, copying, distribution or
    any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on this e-mail or any attachments here to is prohibited and may be unlawful, and that you should delete this e-
    mail and its attachments, if any, and duly notify us of the miss delivery by e-mailing the sender.

Public: [Warning] Phishing email: Verification

Added by Carsten Rose almost 9 years ago

  • Date: 6.10.15
  • Sender: "Zimbra" <>
    Dear Zimbra User,
    This is to inform you that someone else was trying to log into your Zimbra account from a different location {IP: China : 05/10/2015 by 08:10 PM GTM}
    If this is not you kindly click below to sign in to update and verify your account for you have only 12 hours to do this in order to keep your Zimbra account active.
    Click Here to verify your Account.
    This Email is Subject to mandatory follow, Failure to comply would lead to Permanent closure of Account.
    Technical support team

Latest phishing email:

Public: [Solved] Printing currently unavaible

Added by Benjamin Baer almost 9 years ago

Maintenance is completed.

A CPU Fan in one of our Relay Server is defect, we will replace it.
During this time you will not be able to print.

We will inform you again as soon as the maintenance is completed.

Public: [Solved] Power failure in the serverroom

Added by Carsten Rose almost 9 years ago

During the evening we had a power failure in the serverroom. The I-MATH cloud was unaccessible: thinlinc, ssh, edx. All Thinlinc sessions are lost.

Duration: 1.10.2015 20:40 CEST - 2.10.2015 08:30 CEST

  • One fuse has switched off and a connected network switch stops working. The storage for the I-MATH cloud are connected via this network switch and therefore the whole I-MATH cloud stopped working.
  • To resolve the broken storage connection, a complete reboot of all VM of the I-MATH cloud was necessary.
  • The mailserver and the webserver are not affected, cause they use a local storage.
  • With the next maintenance date 21.10.15, we will rearrange the power distribution as well as reconnecting all I-MATH netwoork switches to a USV.
  • Notifcation of the malfunction has been automatically reported (just in time) - unfortunately the receiving mobile phone was 'muted' and the alarm not recognized at the evening.

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