



[Phishing Email] Institut für Mathematik

Added by Carsten Rose over 7 years ago

Mitteilung vom Institut für Mathematik

Dies soll allen Instituten für Mathematik-Clients veranlassen, ihr
E-Mail-Konto jetzt zu aktualisieren, um das Konto nicht zu sperren und
keine Fruadulante-Aktivitäten zu blockieren, die in ihrem E-Mail-Konto
ausgeführt wurden, um das Konto in den nächsten 3 bis 4 Stunden Ihrer
E-Mail zu aktualisieren Konto wird deaktiviert, wenn Sie diese
Benachrichtigung ignorieren.
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[Info] Zimbra/Email: banned attachements

Added by Carsten Rose over 7 years ago

Dear all

during the last weeks different computer attacks, based on various attachments in mails, have been noticed. Especially javascript based Ransomware attacks (your files will be encrypted and you have to pay money to get them back).

Therefore we decided to block Mails with suspect email attachments.
The banned attachment types are not used in daily bussiness. Every time if a mail with such an attachment is detected, you and the sender receive an automatic notification email with the topic:

BANNED contents ... in mail TO YOU from ...

The original mail with the attachment is not accessible for you.

If you receive such a notification, please check the sender address:

- known sender: ask the sender to send the attachment in a different format .
- unknown sender: there is a huge chance that the email is an attack. Typically you can delete such notifications.

Thanks a lot.


Banned attachments: ade, adp, bat, chm, cmd, com, cpl, exe, hta, isp, jar, js, jse, lib, lnk, mde, msc, msp, mst, pif, scr, sct, shb, sys, vb, vbe, vbs, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh

[Phishing Email]Account Alert®

Added by Dario Morciano over 7 years ago

Dear user,

Your account will be blocked in response to the complaint received by the administration. According to provision 13.3 of Terms and Conditions, ZIMBRA may at any time terminate its services for old accounts.

You are to upgrade now to the latest ZIMBRA! Mail to avoid termination. Once your account has been upgraded, we will restore your account to its normal state.

Upgrade Now
Kindly note that you have to perform this upgrade as soon as your receive this message to avoid loosing your account details.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

ZIMBRA! Mail Services
Thank You for Being A Loyal ZIMBRA User
We hope you enjoy the newest version of ZIMBRA System.
Please do not reply to this message. This is a service mail related to your use of ZIMBRA!

[Phishing Email] E-Mail-Administrator

Added by Dario Morciano over 7 years ago

Sehr geehrter E-Mail-Benutzer:

Sie haben das Speicherlimit für Ihre Mailbox erreicht.

Bitte besuchen Sie den folgenden Link zu Ihrer E-Mail-Wiederherstellung.

Klicken Sie hier oder kopieren Sie den Link zu Ihrem Browser: http://p.......


[Phishing Email] Mailbox Termination (Do not ignore)

Added by Dario Morciano over 7 years ago

Dear Zimbra
You will be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed within 24hrs of receiving this automated mail. You are the Required You to Update through The Link below . 

Click Here

Thanks for using Kenya Mail

Zimbra Mail Team 2017 Update Team

[Phishing Email] Quota Alert

Added by Dario Morciano over 7 years ago

Dear User,
System found out that you have used up your Quota space. Click here ..... to expand your inbox for incoming messages immediately


Zimbra Help Desk

[Phishing Email] Konto Bestätigung

Added by Carsten Rose over 7 years ago

Allgemeine Warnung,

Dies soll Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir unseren Mailserver aktualisieren, um alle inaktiven Konten E-Mails auszuschließen, 
um die Nutzung des Internets für aktuelle Benutzer zu verbessern. Alle Kunden müssen ihre Daten aktualisieren, um 
eine Kündigung zu vermeiden.

Um Ihre Daten zu aktualisieren, füllen Sie die untenstehenden Spalten aus und senden Sie sie zurück.

1 - Name:
2 - Benutzername:
3 - Telefon:
4 - Aktuelles Passwort:
5 - Passwort bestätigen:

Unser Webmail-Team wird Ihr Konto aktualisieren. Wenn Sie dies nicht tun, wird Ihr Konto vorübergehend von unseren 
Diensten ausgesetzt.

Wir bedanken uns für ihr Verständnis.

Webmail Technisches Team.

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