



[Warning] Phishing email: Attention: E-mail User

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

  • Subject: Attention: E-mail User
  • Sender:
  • Date: 6 December 2015
    Attention: E-mail User,
    You have exceeded your E-mail account limit quota of 250MB and you are requested to expand it within 48 hours or else your E-mail account will be disable from our database. 
    ===>  CLICK HERE :  http://itwebmail... with the complete information requested to expand your account quota to 5GB.
    Thank you for using E-mail services.
    ©2015 Office Information Center.
    All rights reserved.

[Warning] Phishing email: Scanned image from MX-2600N

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

> Reply to: <>
> Device Name: Not Set
> Device Model: MX-2600N
> Location: Not Set
> File Format: DOC MMR(G4)
> Resolution: 200dpi x 200dpi
> Attached file is scanned image in DOC format.
> Use Microsoft(R)Word(R) of Microsoft Systems Incorporated
> to view the document.

[Solved] Copier on K-floor makes some noise

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

The copy machine on floor 'K' makes some noise while moving paper. A technician will come today. Best would be to use the copier on the J floor in the meantime.

13:20/CR: the copy machine should be fine again.

[Solved] IT Maintenance, Tuesday 08.12.2015, 18:00-21:00

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

Tuesday evening, 08.12.2015, 18:00-21:00, we will upgrade our NFS (storage) servers for the whole I-MATH IT infrastructure. During this time the following IT services will be offline:

  • Thinlinc terminals, sessions and servers: All users will be logged out.
  • Compute hosts: All running computations will be killed.
  • Print, SSH, EdX & Sage Hosts

Mail and Web services are not affected ... but at the ZI there is a UZH Firewall update scheduled for 20:00-23:00 - which might interrupt network connections.

This is a big maintenance task and we apologize for the long offline time. The new NFS servers will improve speed, capacity and reliability.


[New] Homepage: QR Code with personal contact information

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

On the personal homepage of all institutes members a QR code, with specific contact details, will be displayed (click on the QR code to see all details). Such QR Codes can easily imported into a smartphone addressbook.

For those, who don't like the QR on their personal homepage, it can be deactivated under 'Local Info > Login > Personal Homepage > User Setting > QR Code...'


[Solved] Thinlinc Audio

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

With the last Thinlinc update (27.11.15), the audio system has been modified. Running Thinlinc sessions with an active sound, are no longer confused, if the session disconnects and reconnects. This is a great improvement against the previous situation (in the past the sound applications often has to be closed and opended again after a session reconnects).

Disadvantage: the new way of audio transport made it impossible to choose between different audio devices. This affects all thinlinc terminals at the institute with an additional USB audio adapter. Now, the thinlinc termimals have been modified to prioritize USB audio adapters against built-in audio cards. This new setting also eleminate the need to switch the audio device after every session reconnect.

If a plugged in USB audio adpater is not needed, best is to unplug it.

[New] Thinlinc: Update to latest version 4.5.0

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

  • This morning, the Thinlinc server software has been updated to the latest version 4.5.0
  • Direct after the installation, there have been some issues with creating new sessions.
  • Around 30 sessions has been lost and needed to be terminated. Affected user had to log in again.
  • Short before lunch, we realized new problems with reconnecting to existing sessions.
  • The issues has been solved.
  • The number of Thinlinc licenses has been increased from 170 to 200.
  • Sorry for the whole trouble. We didn't expected any problems, cause in the past these upgrades runs perfectly smooth.

[New] Thinlinc / Compute - new prompt

Added by Carsten Rose over 8 years ago

The default prompt in any bash terminal (thinlinc & compute server) have been changed.

  • The history number has been replaced by the last part of the current directory.
  • If the current directory is equal to the home directy, the '~' will be displyed.
  • The return code of the last command will be shown (as earlier). This is quite usefull to check if the last command encountered any errors (0 means ok, everything else means 'some error').
    0-~> ls /tMp
    ls: cannot access /tMp: No such file or directory
    2-~> cd /tmp
    0-tmp> ls 

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