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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated OS / Services % Done Related issues
14077 QFQ Bug New Normal As _link: Attribute 'class' missing by r:1 and r:3 - but should set Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

Related to #5342, Related to #4343 Actions
3947 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Attack detectect: logout current user Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #5458, Related to #6299 Actions
9275 QFQ Bug New Normal autcron: t3 page, which takes to long to respond, is not reported properly Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

4250 QFQ Feature New Normal AutoCron in QFQ via PHP Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

Related to #3292, Related to #3291 Actions
12146 QFQ Feature New Normal Autocron Job: Anzeigen wann der naechste Job ausgefuehrt wird, resp das er nicht ausgefuehrt wird Carsten Rose 15.03.2021 15:23

3291 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal AutoCron websiteToken Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #4250 Actions
8431 QFQ Bug New Normal autocron.php with wrong path Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:27

16297 QFQ Feature New High AutoCron: no SIP Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

7452 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal automate deployment new QFQ version Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

17616 QFQ Feature New High Automate QFQ Build Prozess Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

17868 QFQ Feature New Normal Automatisierte Security Tests Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 18:18

9346 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal beforeSave: check if an upload is given Carsten Rose 15.06.2024 15:27

3782 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Bei fehlerhafter Eingabe (z.B. Datum) sollte das erwartete Format angezeigt werden Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

15992 QFQ Feature New Normal Block IP for failed logins Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 14:15

Related to #16219 Actions
19028 QFQ Support New Low Bootstrap QFQ: Which queries fired every time? Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 22:48

Related to #19099 Actions
12546 QFQ Bug Feedback Normal Branch 'Development' - Unit Tests mit dirty workaround angepasst Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:48

8520 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Bring QFQ to Composer Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

11893 QFQ Feature New Normal Broken SIP: a) only report one time, b) only report in main column Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:17

Related to #12532, Related to #14187 Actions
9958 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Broken subrecord query: no error message Carsten Rose 05.02.2021 15:15

17813 QFQ Feature New Normal bsColumns - bisher: col-md-12 col-lg-10 / neu: col-md-12 col-lg-8 Carsten Rose 07.07.2024 10:23

9177 QFQ Bug New Normal Bug? QFQ tries to save an action FE, which has real existing column name Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

10716 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Business Logic mit Externen Skripten Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

Related to #10713, Related to #8217 Actions
9781 QFQ Feature New Normal Button: CSS class to make buttons smaller Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

13467 QFQ Feature New Normal ChangeLog Generator Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:46

Related to #11460 Actions
13451 QFQ Bug New Normal Character Counter / Max Character: Problem in Safari Carsten Rose 15.04.2022 17:18

17647 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Chat Ratchet Websocket Server: a) start on boot, b) multiple racthet instances, c) update QFQ not to start/stop, d) Update installation doc Carsten Rose 08.04.2024 08:40

18581 QFQ Feature New Normal CHAT refactor Carsten Rose 07.07.2024 10:27

17539 QFQ Feature New Normal Check if stored procedures exist - if not, create Carsten Rose 03.04.2024 10:16

9669 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Checkbox / Template Group: radio/checkbox visible broken after 'add' Carsten Rose 16.06.2021 13:47

Related to #8091 Actions
11752 QFQ Bug New Normal checkbox renders multiple input elements with same name Carsten Rose 17.12.2020 14:58

Related to #11750 Actions
9691 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Checkbox: dynamic update > readonly Carsten Rose 03.04.2024 10:23

Related to #9834 Actions
12163 QFQ Feature New Normal Checkbox: table wrap Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:51

6715 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Code-Refactoring: dbArray vereinheitlichen Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

7102 QFQ Feature New Normal Comment sign in report: '#' and '--' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

4279 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal config.linkVars lost Carsten Rose 03.11.2022 16:08

3349 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal config.qfq.ini: a) vertraegt keine '=' im Value (z.B. Passwort), b) Values sollten in ticks einschliessbar sein (spaces, ..) Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

16635 QFQ Feature New Normal Config: allowedFromAdresses Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 13:43

8082 QFQ Feature New High Contact form without saving record Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

Related to #8587, Blocks #11850 Actions
12714 QFQ Bug New Normal Conversion of GIF to PDF broken when GIF contains Alpha. Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:49

4650 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Convert html to doc/rtf Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

Related to #10704 Actions
12327 QFQ Bug New Normal Copy to clipboard: a) Glyphicon can not be changed, b) Visualisierung & Text Carsten Rose 16.03.2024 10:40

12330 QFQ Feature New Normal Copy to input field / text area / TinyMCE Carsten Rose 07.04.2021 09:01

8089 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Copy/Paste for FormElements Carsten Rose 25.04.2024 15:25

Related to #18486 Actions
13841 QFQ Feature New Normal Create PDF via iText - evaluate Carsten Rose 16.06.2024 17:28

9136 QFQ Feature New Normal Create ZIP files with dynamic PDFs Carsten Rose 06.07.2022 13:21

17998 QFQ Bug New High Curly braces: a) save as html-entity, b) stored procedure to convert to html-entity Carsten Rose 25.04.2024 13:37

3990 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal custom class definition: add space automatically Carsten Rose 03.11.2022 16:08

12337 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Database.php: better caching Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

3130 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Debug Info's nicht korrekt nach 'New > Save'. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3253 Actions
3331 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Default Tooltip fuer _page? Links: mit Form und Record ID Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

9348 QFQ Feature New Normal defaultThumbnailSize: pre render thumbnails Carsten Rose 12.06.2021 09:05

7630 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal detailed error message for simple upload Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

3273 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Low Dirty Flag in Form Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

3458 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Display 'Edit Form Element'-Checkbox on form: should depend on FE Group Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

Related to #3447 Actions
8892 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Display and Edit SQL Comments in Form Editor Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

15015 QFQ Feature New Normal Doc: Export / Import Section Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:53

13460 QFQ Bug New Normal Doc: Password set/reset ... password should not processed with 'html encode' Carsten Rose 19.03.2022 17:46

16848 QFQ Feature New High Docker Sendmail Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

8894 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Documentation Tags Usable in QFQ Application Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

3905 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Documentation: Best Practice anhand eines Online Bewerbungstools Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

12109 QFQ Feature New Normal Donwload Link: Plain, SIP, Persistent Link, Peristent SIP - new notation Carsten Rose 03.05.2021 20:45

Related to #12085 Actions
4293 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Download broken if token 'd:' is missing - but no error message Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #7514 Actions
5221 QFQ Bug New Normal Download Dialog: Bleibt stehen in FF wenn Datei automatisch gespeichert wird. Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 19:37

Related to #9135 Actions
10996 QFQ Feature New Normal Download video via sip: no seek Carsten Rose 12.08.2020 14:18

6292 QFQ Feature New Normal Download: File speichern mit Hash aber original Filename in der Datenbank vermerken fuer Downloads Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

7217 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Download: notice User if `_sip=?` is missing Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

12603 QFQ Feature New High Dropdown (Select), Radio, checkbox: itemListAlways={{!SELECT key, value...}} Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

2995 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Dropdown JQuery Plugin: 'chosen' - Moeglichkeit um Select Listen mehr Funktion zu geben. Kein Bootstrap noetig. Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

9975 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Dropdown Menu: 'r:3' broken Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

18964 QFQ Support Priorize High Dummy PDF in development mode Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 22:45

Related to #18481 Actions
4583 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update bei TypeAhead Feldern Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:19

3216 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal dynamic update für checkbox label2 Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #2081 Actions
11504 QFQ Feature New Normal Dynamic Update: Button text update for 'Save',' Close' & 'Delete' Carsten Rose 12.11.2020 23:44

Related to #12262 Actions
3811 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update: extraButtonInfo - Text aktualisieren Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #11517 Actions
8106 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic Update: Feld kann nicht auf empty zurückgesetzt werden Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:01

4082 QFQ Feature New Normal Dynamic Update: modeSql - useful default Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

3682 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Dynamic update: Radio buttons Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:02

7002 QFQ Bug New Normal Dynamic Update: row does not disappear / appear Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

7109 QFQ Feature New Normal Dynamic Updates: row/element hide Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

Has duplicate #4081 Actions
11460 QFQ Feature New Normal Easier creation of changelog: gitchangelog Carsten Rose 15.06.2024 15:47

Related to #13467 Actions
9783 QFQ Bug New Normal Email with special characters Carsten Rose 08.10.2023 09:55

Related to #16506 Actions
5579 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Enhance Doc / Presentation: variable type 'link column type' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:19

14924 QFQ Feature New Normal Enhance error logging: a) increase max log lenght to 20kB, b) 'toUser:: SQL error' Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

8585 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Enhance Error message for 'unknown form' Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 10:13

16900 QFQ Bug New Normal Error display behaviour Carsten Rose 19.09.2023 16:14

9013 QFQ Bug New Normal Error in Twig template not handled Carsten Rose 03.04.2024 10:24

6677 QFQ Bug New Normal Error message FE Action Element: no/wrong FE reference who cause the problem. Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

7547 QFQ Bug New Normal Error Message in afterSave: wrong parameter column reported Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

5132 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Error Message sendmail missing attachment: more details Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:19

6912 QFQ Bug New Normal error Message Var 'deadline' already set in SIP - in Form with FE.value={{deadline:R:::{{deadlinePeriod:Y}}}} Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

9127 QFQ Bug New Normal Error Message: change 'roll over' color - text not readable Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

9128 QFQ Feature New Normal Error Message: not replaced variables- a) replace back to '{{', b) underline Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:22

Related to #9129 Actions
4330 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Error Message: report missing {{ / }} in sqlUpdate, sqlInsert, sqlDelete, sqlAfter, sqlBefore in FE action elements. Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

4328 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Error Message: Show FE name/number on problems in FE Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:20

16506 QFQ Bug In Progress High Error sendmail failed: Umlaute in FROM ADDRESS Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

Related to #9783, Related to #4008 Actions
10976 QFQ Feature New Normal Excel Export Verbesserungen Carsten Rose 06.08.2020 10:56

12024 QFQ Feature New Normal Excel Export: text columns by default decode htmlspeciachar() Carsten Rose 17.02.2021 23:55

Related to #12022 Actions
15013 QFQ Bug New Normal Excel Import does not work with multiple importRegion Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 19:52

6594 QFQ Feature New Normal Excel: on download, check if there is a valid sip Carsten Rose 01.02.2020 23:21

3900 QFQ Feature Some day maybe Normal Extend documentation of 'Copy / Paste' Carsten Rose 11.12.2019 16:03

Related to #3899 Actions
(101-200/713) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF