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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated OS / Services % Done Related issues
18163 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Form: reload current record after use of sqlBefore/sqlAfter and before Form load Support: Web 30.04.2024 12:30

16911 QFQ Bug New Normal TG wants to insert record but nothing was changed Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:53

16734 QFQ Bug New Normal Form: Label 'for' muss auf 'id' zeigen - aktuell geht es auf 'name'. Support: Web 07.10.2023 13:43

16620 QFQ Bug New Normal wkhtml: PDF shows QFQ FE editing form if BE User is logged in Support: Web 17.07.2023 16:16

16580 QFQ Bug New Normal custom.css Typo3 handling Support: Web 07.10.2023 14:15

16572 QFQ Bug New Normal Filter bei qfq-vertical/qfq-vertical-text funktioniert nicht richtig Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:53

16348 QFQ Bug New Normal Typeahead + extraButtonInfo: no rendered as Button Group Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:52

16114 QFQ Bug New Normal Subrecords / columns with buttons: elements on top of each other Support: Web 06.07.2024 19:38

15866 QFQ Bug New Normal FE.type=checkbox: error message 'empty sql1, itemlist' even if FE is hidden. Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:53

15530 QFQ Bug New Normal MultiDB Setup: Form open > error > Form edit link broken Support: Web 12.02.2023 12:56

15451 QFQ Bug New Normal Resubmit on form opened in new tab and set to forward=close is possible Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:53

14753 QFQ Bug New Normal Folgeproblem zu #14304: keine Befriedigend Lösung für JS-Files Support: Web 02.03.2024 19:54

10640 QFQ Bug New Normal TypeAhead Tag: FE editierbar trotz readOnly Support: Web 03.04.2024 10:23

Related to #7795 Actions
18998 QFQ Bug New Normal MultiDB: Exception Form Debug Button zeigen auf falsche DB 07.07.2024 10:23

18981 QFQ Bug In Progress Normal dbIndex keyword doesnt work in form report notation 04.07.2024 09:50

18803 QFQ Bug New Normal filepond: file too large, missing remove btn 10.06.2024 16:43

18641 QFQ Bug New Normal datetimepicker: remove entry does not trigger dirty 29.05.2024 00:26

18580 QFQ Bug New Normal FormElement.parameter.defaultValue - still supported? 29.05.2024 00:28

18184 QFQ Bug New Normal _link combination of g:_blank and q:.. not working 21.03.2024 00:59

18155 QFQ Bug New Normal Form escapeTypeDefault btn-group not working 15.03.2024 12:03

18057 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal {{sqlLog:Y}} returns empty string when not configured 30.04.2024 12:33

17957 QFQ Bug New Normal Keyword tail causes problems when {{ SELECT ... }} is used 20.02.2024 15:25

17945 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal Values given to the parameters: typeAheadLimit and typeAheadMinLength are not saved 30.04.2024 12:33

17880 QFQ Bug Priorize Normal QFQ Exception: a) stacktrace not in support, b) Underline SQL error 30.04.2024 12:32

17361 QFQ Bug New Normal Annotate FE doesnt initialize/show 27.11.2023 17:59

11715 QFQ Bug New Normal acceptZeroAsRequired and requiredOffButMark do not coincide 08.12.2020 12:13

11522 QFQ Bug New Normal Aus/Einblenden von Reitern 13.11.2020 14:58

10890 QFQ Bug New Normal AutoCron hangs 20.07.2020 13:56

10759 QFQ Bug New Normal emptyMeansNull - Feld falsch aktualisiert 12.11.2020 23:45

10324 QFQ Bug New Normal Excel Export mit Template funktioniert nur, wenn Template vor uid kommt 30.03.2020 11:20

Related to #10257 Actions
9855 QFQ Bug New Normal Required Check 01.02.2020 15:56

9126 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal hidden Form elements are present in page source 02.01.2021 18:41

9024 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal QFQ Einarbeitung 01.02.2020 15:56

9020 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal radio mit buttonClass und dynamicUpdate lassen sich nicht kombinieren 11.12.2019 16:01

7402 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal thumbnail cache: outdated picture when permission denied and permission resolved. 01.02.2020 23:20

7281 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal Subrecords: on large screen separator line too short 01.02.2020 23:19

7101 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal 'form' in SIP and 'report' - breaks 01.02.2020 23:20

5877 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal FE.type=note:bsColumn strange behaviour 01.02.2020 23:19

4546 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal NH: SIP storage is destroyed 01.02.2020 23:20

4441 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal $_SERVER Vars sollten nur aus dem Store genommen werden - Code entsprechend anpassen. 11.12.2019 16:02

4138 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal _style fehlt 11.12.2019 16:03

4122 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Normal _file: Render Mode hat keinen Effekt 11.12.2019 16:03

15050 QFQ Bug New Low Farbe Textfeld grau bei Wechsel von readonly auf show Enis Nuredini 02.03.2024 19:52

15047 QFQ Bug New Low {{allRequiredGiven:V}} = 0, wenn Note Formelement auf required ist Enis Nuredini 02.03.2024 19:54

7456 QFQ Bug Some day maybe Low Todos in Code: solve or make ticket Carsten Rose 16.09.2021 15:10

5459 QFQ Bug New Low Multi DB: spread system tables between 'QFQ' and 'Data'-DB Carsten Rose 06.07.2024 22:53

Related to #4720 Actions
11195 QFQ Bug New Low Dynamic Update: Note not updated if new text is empty (v20.4) 25.09.2020 11:14

16303 QFQ Feature New Urgent Restrict mail sending Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 14:07

16219 QFQ Feature New Urgent Security: IPs von Hacking Angriffen sperren - Integration voin Fail2Ban Carsten Rose 07.10.2023 14:09

Related to #15992 Actions
17252 QFQ Feature In Progress High Renderer Refactoring Philipp Gröbelbauer 12.07.2024 18:30

Related to #14494 Actions
14494 QFQ Feature In Progress High Bootstrap 5 Migration Philipp Gröbelbauer 20.07.2024 14:39

Related to #17252, Related to #10114 Actions
18585 QFQ Feature In Progress High qfqpdf / puppeteer: as daemon Krzysztof Putyra 12.07.2024 15:35

16630 QFQ Feature In Progress High QFQ Dev Panel Krzysztof Putyra 12.07.2024 16:25

Related to #12532, Related to #18679 Actions
10114 QFQ Feature In Progress High Symbol (Link): 'G:' (Glyphicon) replaced by 'i:' (icon) Krzysztof Putyra 10.07.2024 23:58

Related to #3797, Related to #4194, Related to #14494 Actions
17649 QFQ Feature New High Integrate Etherpad as editor Jan Haller 02.03.2024 20:08

4869 QFQ Feature New High Dynamic Update (show, hide, readonly?, required?) for Template Group Elements Jan Haller 02.03.2024 20:08

Related to #4865 Actions
15656 QFQ Feature New High SearchReplace: improvement Enis Nuredini 28.05.2024 13:47

6723 QFQ Feature New High Report QFQ Installation and Version Enis Nuredini 02.03.2024 20:08

18595 QFQ Feature Priorize High Form / htmlspecialchar: convert }} to HTML Entity } } Carsten Rose 16.06.2024 22:12

18481 QFQ Feature Priorize High thumbnail: when missing placeholder (no exception) Carsten Rose 07.07.2024 10:28

Related to #18964 Actions
17812 QFQ Feature New High Switch User: Neu/Alternativ auch mit FE Group Anpassung Carsten Rose 16.06.2024 19:55

17616 QFQ Feature New High Automate QFQ Build Prozess Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

17523 QFQ Feature New High QFQ-Test-Application - Setup based on CR QFQ Instanz Carsten Rose 07.07.2024 10:33

16848 QFQ Feature New High Docker Sendmail Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

16305 QFQ Feature In Progress High Inline Editing Text , Merge Request Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

16297 QFQ Feature New High AutoCron: no SIP Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

15018 QFQ Feature New High SIP not found error: a) fix, b) more information for debugging Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

14719 QFQ Feature New High Form > Subrecord: Drag'n'Drop - only activate if column 'columnOrd' exist Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

14187 QFQ Feature Priorize High qfq.log: show current URL Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

Related to #13933, Related to #12532, Related to #11893 Actions
12603 QFQ Feature New High Dropdown (Select), Radio, checkbox: itemListAlways={{!SELECT key, value...}} Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

8962 QFQ Feature New High allow for form fields with identical names Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

8082 QFQ Feature New High Contact form without saving record Carsten Rose 02.03.2024 20:08

Related to #8587, Blocks #11850 Actions
8044 QFQ Feature Priorize High Transaction: a) Form, b) Report Carsten Rose 07.07.2024 10:18

Related to #8043, Related to #17913 Actions
7660 QFQ Feature In Progress High IMAP: import mails to DB, move / delete mails Carsten Rose 11.07.2024 19:24

18013 QFQ Feature New High Tablesorter: column view selector Support: Web 02.03.2024 20:08

17219 QFQ Feature New High Merge Open Branches Support: Web 07.07.2024 10:32

17145 QFQ Feature In Progress High Konzept QFQ App Store Support: Web 07.07.2024 10:30

16849 QFQ Feature New High Mail: check FROM address for pattern or specific sender address Support: Web 02.03.2024 20:08

16172 QFQ Feature New High Tablesorter: Update {{10.10.line.count}} after every sort Support: Web 07.07.2024 10:25

16018 QFQ Feature New High Form in multi column layout Support: Web 07.07.2024 10:33

15534 QFQ Feature New High FormEditor > CodeMirror > a) sql1: 'Home/End' jumps to technical line start/end, not the visual one, b) Matching Bracket, c) Comment, d) Shift-Tab Support: Web 02.03.2024 20:08

7602 QFQ Feature New High Multi Select: with checkboxes Support: Web 07.07.2024 10:05

Related to #10119 Actions
7480 QFQ Feature Ready to sync (develop) High Record History (Undo / Redo) Support: Web 11.07.2024 23:49

Related to #12315, Related to #19063, Has duplicate #2361 Actions
18679 QFQ Feature New High Tooltip: a) sticky, b) copy to clipboard 09.07.2024 10:30

Related to #16630 Actions
17858 QFQ Feature New High Check if QFQ is compatible with Typo3 V12 02.03.2024 20:08

17821 QFQ Feature New High Check projects export/autocron access template 02.03.2024 20:08

17481 QFQ Feature New High BS modal window 22.03.2024 10:43

16113 QFQ Feature New High Report, Subrecord: action on multiple elements 07.07.2024 10:33

18236 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal MultiForm re order via drag&drop Zhoujie Li 25.04.2024 12:56

17441 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Report Notation 2.2: fireIf :Statement to trigger the root level query / fireSubIf : Statement to trigger the subquery Zhoujie Li 02.04.2024 15:38

Related to #5345, Related to #17319 Actions
11850 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Wizard Form: basierend auf einer Tabelle ein Form anlegen. - IPA von ZL Zhoujie Li 28.06.2024 08:24

Related to #18235, Has duplicate #15526, Blocked by #8082 Actions
5345 QFQ Feature Priorize Normal Report: UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE statements should trigger subqueries, depending on the result. Zhoujie Li 06.07.2024 19:39

Related to #17319, Related to #17441 Actions
17204 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal load = async for reports Philipp Gröbelbauer 07.07.2024 10:35

Related to #9135 Actions
13609 QFQ Feature New Normal QFQ Introduction: Seite aufloesen Philipp Gröbelbauer 28.05.2022 11:02

16137 QFQ Feature Ready to sync (develop) Normal Form: Refactor AbstractElement, Trennung von Rendering und Building Pascal Rössler 02.03.2024 19:53

15970 QFQ Feature New Normal Inline Editing Pascal Rössler 02.03.2024 19:53

6602 QFQ Feature New Normal Inline-Edit (Formlet): in Report auf Mausklick ein mini-form oeffnen Pascal Rössler 20.01.2023 14:46

Related to #6610, Related to #15324, Related to #6609 Actions
17295 QFQ Feature New Normal Pipe-separated column names as processors Krzysztof Putyra 06.07.2024 22:40

17265 QFQ Feature In Progress Normal Column parameters Krzysztof Putyra 06.07.2024 22:14

13843 QFQ Feature Ready to sync (develop) Normal Create JWT via QFQ Krzysztof Putyra 06.07.2024 19:43

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